Thanks, Sonal! This is all terrific advice. Really helps keep it in perspective that it’s not as much work as writing and revising a novel or story collection!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Sonal Champsee

Thank you for this! Ironically I have 40,000+ words of a short story collection (12 stories so far) burning a hole in my computer memory box. I have a deal with myself to write a story a month to add to the collection, with the idea of having over 60,000 words by next spring. Then I'm going to take your article and follow it to the tee. I needed this article as motivation today as I struggle with what the f*ck to write for August Story. xoxoxox Mary

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Amazing! That's a huge amount of work!

Sometimes when I'm struggling with motivation, the most helpful thing I can do is take a break to do something fun. Not watch-Netflix fun, but leave the house and try something new fun. We all need artist dates with ourselves to refill the well sometimes.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Sonal Champsee

Not watch-Netflix fun? Hmmmm, I don't know if we can be friends... ;)

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Lol. I currently working on a short story inspired by something I bingewatched, so maybe the key is watching something new....

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Sonal Champsee

Hahahahaha. Besties!

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